Shore - Patch 1.7

I made this game for the Global Game Jam, but have been unable to stop doing minor bugfixes, quality of life improvements, and general changes.
The largest change is the end state. Previously when the player lost game over text would show on screen, and after a short delay the player could left click anywhere causing the game to restart. This was completely fine, but didn't suit the aesthetics, and looked a bit jarring. With the rework, when the game is lost the same text shows on screen, but simultaneously all enemies rapidly move off screen (and are destroyed). Simultaneously any inanimate objects (shells) fade and then are destroyed as well. Once there are no objects on screen, the player can click anywhere to start the game again. Instead of restarting the game, this simply generates a new group of crabs, which walk onto the screen where was clicked, and the game continues. This, hopefully, gives the feeling of a continuous experience.
Small Changes/Quality of Life Improvements:
- The sound icon has been moved to the top of the screen and halved in size
- Crabs are now contained within the confines of the screen, the same as the opposing crustaceans
- Shells are now slowly drawn towards nearby unshelled crabs (hopefully this makes it clearer to players that they can be picked up)
- Nautilus and Shelled crabs have had updated movement mechanics when charging, that allows them to bounce off of the screen edges and each other
- Nautilus have had their out of water survival time reduced by a second
- Crustaceans now have a larger spawn area, to avoid crowding and uninteresting movement patterns
- Squid now explode into 5 crabs when killed, rather than having new crabs enter from the left after killing squid
- Crabs now have a second of invulnerability after being spawned from squid, to get to safety
- Collision shapes have been generally fiddled with
- Squid fireballs have had their duration reduced by half
- Fireballs now dissipate 0.5 seconds after colliding with a crab
- Wave range changed to create more waves that fill up between 1/3 to 2/3rds of the screen
- Nautilus are no longer unable to revert to normal movement after a charge attack
- The Crustacean generation script has been fixed to scale reliably, producing one more than the current round number each turn (minus the number of crustaceans currently in existence, down to a minimum of 1)
- Shelled crabs improved so they move smoothly when walking and bounce when charging
- Crabs spawned from squid no longer collide out of existence
- All non-UI assets reimported as pixel art
- Fixed wave counter so it stops counting upon defeat
The next stage of this project is to add some major new features, rework some of the graphics to increase readability (and improve the general look), and add more options to the game, with a focus on improving accessibility. However I would first like to gather some playtesting feedback to ensure that I'm not making a game that isn't fun, and that I know what options people need!
Get Shores
A Tale of Crab War
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- LOBSTERS!Jul 10, 2022
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